Selection of Brand Name & Logo
1. Different approaches for selection of brand name
1) Selecting the names which communicate
function or attributes of the product
Aqua guard Protected water
2) Names which communicate the specialty
of the product
Mercedes Expensive, Well built,
well engineered,
durable, high prestige
3) Use of acronyms Anand Milk Union
Madras Rubber
4) Use of the company name Cadbury’s / Samsung / Sony, etc
2. Strategies for brand name decisions
1) Individual brand
Each product of the company is given an
independent brand name.
Company doesn’t tie its reputation to the
HLL’s sub brands
Dove, Lux, Pears,
2) Family / Umbrella
The group of products is given the same
brand name.
Johnson & Johnson
3) Company name
as a brand name
Company’s name act itself as brand
Bajaj, Godrej,
Cadbury’s, etc.
4) Middlemen’s
Sometimes manufacturer leave their
products for branding by the distributors,
retail chains.
Food World
Rearing the brand & keeping it live
Brand Extension, Brand rejuvenation, Brand re-launch
Brand Extension Meaning Products/Examples
1) Brand extension to other items in
the same product line
Same brand name is given to
the product of same category
Sunrise premium,
Sunrise extra coffee
2) Brand extension to items in a
related product line
The brand name is extended to
the products of same category
but serve different purpose
Meggi – Noodles
Meggi Ketchup,
Meggi Soup, etc
3) Brand extension to items in an
unrelated product line
The brand name is extended to
the items which are unrelated
to each other.
Enfield – motor
Enfield – television &
generator sets.
Meaning Products/Examples
1. Rearing the brand & keeping it live….
a) Brand extension ‘a, b, c – as described above.
b) Brand rejuvenation Adding new values attributes
to the existing product to
enhance its overall appeal.
New, super, premium, extra
c) Brand re-launch Reintroducing the product. Godrej – Marvel
2) Brand Proliferation Opposite of brand extension. Unilever – 20 brands of ice
3) Brand Management
through acquisition
Process of acquisition or take
over ongoing bands.
Pepsi take over 105 year old
Duke’s in India.
4) Monitoring the brand through the stages of its life cycles
5) Brand portfolio
To cut short the product line &
prune its brand portfolio by
eliminating some of the
6) Brand equity Unique set of brand assets & liabilities that are linked to a
The value or the worth of the brand in the market.
Brand Valuation
Several companies shown brand equity in the assets column of their
balance sheet.
Brand valuation is the job of estimating the total financial value of their
Criterion’s for brand valuation
Market share & Market ranking Market trends
Brand stability & track record Promotional Support
Stability of product category Legal protection enjoyed by the brand
Brand valuation methodologies work on the principle of segregating the
return on brand…..
1) Brand earnings multiple approach Propounded by inter brand, the research
agency, involves determination of brand
strength score, assessment of brand value /
brand earnings multiple & charging adequate on
capital to screen out the return on no brand
2) Royalty based approach The firm estimates the amount of hypothetical
royalty income
3) Profit split approach The firm assumes that an independent third
party owns the brand and licenses it for an
associated profit.
1. Different approaches for selection of brand name
1) Selecting the names which communicate
function or attributes of the product
Aqua guard Protected water
2) Names which communicate the specialty
of the product
Mercedes Expensive, Well built,
well engineered,
durable, high prestige
3) Use of acronyms Anand Milk Union
Madras Rubber
4) Use of the company name Cadbury’s / Samsung / Sony, etc
2. Strategies for brand name decisions
1) Individual brand
Each product of the company is given an
independent brand name.
Company doesn’t tie its reputation to the
HLL’s sub brands
Dove, Lux, Pears,
2) Family / Umbrella
The group of products is given the same
brand name.
Johnson & Johnson
3) Company name
as a brand name
Company’s name act itself as brand
Bajaj, Godrej,
Cadbury’s, etc.
4) Middlemen’s
Sometimes manufacturer leave their
products for branding by the distributors,
retail chains.
Food World
Rearing the brand & keeping it live
Brand Extension, Brand rejuvenation, Brand re-launch
Brand Extension Meaning Products/Examples
1) Brand extension to other items in
the same product line
Same brand name is given to
the product of same category
Sunrise premium,
Sunrise extra coffee
2) Brand extension to items in a
related product line
The brand name is extended to
the products of same category
but serve different purpose
Meggi – Noodles
Meggi Ketchup,
Meggi Soup, etc
3) Brand extension to items in an
unrelated product line
The brand name is extended to
the items which are unrelated
to each other.
Enfield – motor
Enfield – television &
generator sets.
Meaning Products/Examples
1. Rearing the brand & keeping it live….
a) Brand extension ‘a, b, c – as described above.
b) Brand rejuvenation Adding new values attributes
to the existing product to
enhance its overall appeal.
New, super, premium, extra
c) Brand re-launch Reintroducing the product. Godrej – Marvel
2) Brand Proliferation Opposite of brand extension. Unilever – 20 brands of ice
3) Brand Management
through acquisition
Process of acquisition or take
over ongoing bands.
Pepsi take over 105 year old
Duke’s in India.
4) Monitoring the brand through the stages of its life cycles
5) Brand portfolio
To cut short the product line &
prune its brand portfolio by
eliminating some of the
6) Brand equity Unique set of brand assets & liabilities that are linked to a
The value or the worth of the brand in the market.
Brand Valuation
Several companies shown brand equity in the assets column of their
balance sheet.
Brand valuation is the job of estimating the total financial value of their
Criterion’s for brand valuation
Market share & Market ranking Market trends
Brand stability & track record Promotional Support
Stability of product category Legal protection enjoyed by the brand
Brand valuation methodologies work on the principle of segregating the
return on brand…..
1) Brand earnings multiple approach Propounded by inter brand, the research
agency, involves determination of brand
strength score, assessment of brand value /
brand earnings multiple & charging adequate on
capital to screen out the return on no brand
2) Royalty based approach The firm estimates the amount of hypothetical
royalty income
3) Profit split approach The firm assumes that an independent third
party owns the brand and licenses it for an
associated profit.
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