Factors in media selection
a) Target
media habit
Intended to place advertisement to the
selected group or potential customers.
b) Product
Media types have different potentials for
demonstration, visualization,
Women’s dresses are best
shown in color magazines, and
explanation, believability, and color. Polaroid cameras are best
demonstrated on television.
c) Message
Timeliness and information content will
influence media choice.
A message announcing, radio,
TV or newspaper.
A message containing
magazines or mailings.
d) Cost Television is very expensive where as
newspaper advertising
Deciding on reach, frequency and impact
Product trail rate of ‘T’ it will necessary to achieve a brand awareness level of ‘A’
Exposures ‘E’ will produce a level of audience awareness of ‘A’.
Reach (R): The number of different persons or households exposed.
Frequency (F): The number of times with in the specified time period
Impact (I): The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium.
Normally the advertisement effectiveness is measured on the grounds of
accomplished communication task & the accomplished sales task.
Evaluating the communication task
The methods used for the evaluation of advertising on the basis of evocativeness
of communication.
It can be classified in 3 categories as follows…….
1. Test based on laboratory methods
2. Tests that attempt to stimulate the natural reading or viewing environment
3. Test done in the real / natural environment called market test.
Evaluating the sales task
The most commonly used method for evaluating how far advertising has
accomplished the sales task is to correlate past sales to past advertising
expenditure with the help of statistical techniques.
Marketing Research
Marketing research is the process of collecting & analyzing information about
the customer you want to reach, called your target market.
Market research can help us…...
1) To create a Business Plan
2) To Launch a new product or service
3) To fine tune your existing products & services
4) To expand into new markets
5) To develop an advertising campaign
6) To set prices or select a business location
Importance of Market Research
To pick & choose customers & make focused offers.
It helps to know which product move in the market & why.
Helps new entrants plan their channel by studying existing ones.
Scope of marketing research
Today carrying out research relating to customers, product & markets
necessitates specialized skills & sophisticated techniques.
Function of Marketing Research
To provide information that will assist marketing managers in recognizing &
reacting to marketing opportunities & problems.
Marketing research is the function which links the consumer, customer &
public to the marketer through information.
Definitions by Richard Crisp, Phillip Kotler, American Marketing Association,
Green & Tull –
a) Target
media habit
Intended to place advertisement to the
selected group or potential customers.
b) Product
Media types have different potentials for
demonstration, visualization,
Women’s dresses are best
shown in color magazines, and
explanation, believability, and color. Polaroid cameras are best
demonstrated on television.
c) Message
Timeliness and information content will
influence media choice.
A message announcing, radio,
TV or newspaper.
A message containing
magazines or mailings.
d) Cost Television is very expensive where as
newspaper advertising
Deciding on reach, frequency and impact
Product trail rate of ‘T’ it will necessary to achieve a brand awareness level of ‘A’
Exposures ‘E’ will produce a level of audience awareness of ‘A’.
Reach (R): The number of different persons or households exposed.
Frequency (F): The number of times with in the specified time period
Impact (I): The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium.
Normally the advertisement effectiveness is measured on the grounds of
accomplished communication task & the accomplished sales task.
Evaluating the communication task
The methods used for the evaluation of advertising on the basis of evocativeness
of communication.
It can be classified in 3 categories as follows…….
1. Test based on laboratory methods
2. Tests that attempt to stimulate the natural reading or viewing environment
3. Test done in the real / natural environment called market test.
Evaluating the sales task
The most commonly used method for evaluating how far advertising has
accomplished the sales task is to correlate past sales to past advertising
expenditure with the help of statistical techniques.
Marketing Research
Marketing research is the process of collecting & analyzing information about
the customer you want to reach, called your target market.
Market research can help us…...
1) To create a Business Plan
2) To Launch a new product or service
3) To fine tune your existing products & services
4) To expand into new markets
5) To develop an advertising campaign
6) To set prices or select a business location
Importance of Market Research
To pick & choose customers & make focused offers.
It helps to know which product move in the market & why.
Helps new entrants plan their channel by studying existing ones.
Scope of marketing research
Today carrying out research relating to customers, product & markets
necessitates specialized skills & sophisticated techniques.
Function of Marketing Research
To provide information that will assist marketing managers in recognizing &
reacting to marketing opportunities & problems.
Marketing research is the function which links the consumer, customer &
public to the marketer through information.
Definitions by Richard Crisp, Phillip Kotler, American Marketing Association,
Green & Tull –
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