Graphical User Interface
In this mode objects are visually represented as icons or symbols, are
directly manipulated by the user.
Hybrid Modes
Interface modes can be combined to provide improved functionality
and quality.
The user can point the mouse or cursor at the icon and use a
command to move it.
Graphics enable the presentation of information in a way that more
clearly conveys the meaning of data and permits user to visualize
The value of charts and graphs in the communication of numeric data
has long been recognized.
This information can even be animated.
Graphics Software
The primary purpose of graphics software is to present visual images
of information on a computer monitor, a printer / plotter.
Graphics software can be a standalone package that allows managers
to create graphic output directly from databases or spreadsheets in a
no technical and user friendly way.
Representative graphic software includes Harvard Graphics, Power
Point, SAS Graph, Lotus/Freelane, Draw Perfect, and Tell-a-graph.
The role of computer graphics
Text plays a critical role in graphics.
Time series charts show the value of one or more variables over time.
Bar and Pie charts can be use to show total values.
Scatter diagrams show the relationship between two variables.
Maps can be two or three dimensional.
Layouts of rooms, buildings or shipping centers convey much
information in simple diagrams.
Hierarchy charts _ Organizational charts are widely used.
Sequence charts _ Flowcharts, show the necessary; sequence of
events and which activities can be done in parallel.
Motion graphics _ motion pictures and television, clearly will continue
to perform vital functions.
Desktop publishing systems _ have extensive graphic capabilities such
as transferring a picture into the computer.
Computerized systems employ several multimedia technologies as
presentation devices.
Multimedia refers to a pool of human machine communication media.
One class of multimedia is called hypermedia.
VRML – Virtual Reality Markup Language
Hypermedia describes documents that could contain several types of
media, which allow information to be linked by association.
Hypermedia is used as a presentation tool used for knowledge and
data navigation.
Examples of commercial products include Hyper Card and Note Cards,
Hypermedia can contain several layers of information, such as…
A menu based natural
language interfaces
To provide a simple & transparent way for users to rum the
system and query it.
An object oriented
That permits concurrent access to its data structure and
A relational query
That can efficiently support complex queries.
A hypermedia abstract
That lets user link different types of information.
Media editors That provides way to view and edit text, graphics, images, and
A change
management vital
To manage temporary versions, configurations, and
transformations of design entities.
Hypertext is an approach for handling text and graphic information that
allow the user to jump from a given topic, wherever they wish, to
related ideas.
Hypertext allows user to access information in a nonlinear fashion b
following sequence of thought.
It lets the reader control the level of details and the type of information
It allows a quick search according to the reader’s interest.
In this mode objects are visually represented as icons or symbols, are
directly manipulated by the user.
Hybrid Modes
Interface modes can be combined to provide improved functionality
and quality.
The user can point the mouse or cursor at the icon and use a
command to move it.
Graphics enable the presentation of information in a way that more
clearly conveys the meaning of data and permits user to visualize
The value of charts and graphs in the communication of numeric data
has long been recognized.
This information can even be animated.
Graphics Software
The primary purpose of graphics software is to present visual images
of information on a computer monitor, a printer / plotter.
Graphics software can be a standalone package that allows managers
to create graphic output directly from databases or spreadsheets in a
no technical and user friendly way.
Representative graphic software includes Harvard Graphics, Power
Point, SAS Graph, Lotus/Freelane, Draw Perfect, and Tell-a-graph.
The role of computer graphics
Text plays a critical role in graphics.
Time series charts show the value of one or more variables over time.
Bar and Pie charts can be use to show total values.
Scatter diagrams show the relationship between two variables.
Maps can be two or three dimensional.
Layouts of rooms, buildings or shipping centers convey much
information in simple diagrams.
Hierarchy charts _ Organizational charts are widely used.
Sequence charts _ Flowcharts, show the necessary; sequence of
events and which activities can be done in parallel.
Motion graphics _ motion pictures and television, clearly will continue
to perform vital functions.
Desktop publishing systems _ have extensive graphic capabilities such
as transferring a picture into the computer.
Computerized systems employ several multimedia technologies as
presentation devices.
Multimedia refers to a pool of human machine communication media.
One class of multimedia is called hypermedia.
VRML – Virtual Reality Markup Language
Hypermedia describes documents that could contain several types of
media, which allow information to be linked by association.
Hypermedia is used as a presentation tool used for knowledge and
data navigation.
Examples of commercial products include Hyper Card and Note Cards,
Hypermedia can contain several layers of information, such as…
A menu based natural
language interfaces
To provide a simple & transparent way for users to rum the
system and query it.
An object oriented
That permits concurrent access to its data structure and
A relational query
That can efficiently support complex queries.
A hypermedia abstract
That lets user link different types of information.
Media editors That provides way to view and edit text, graphics, images, and
A change
management vital
To manage temporary versions, configurations, and
transformations of design entities.
Hypertext is an approach for handling text and graphic information that
allow the user to jump from a given topic, wherever they wish, to
related ideas.
Hypertext allows user to access information in a nonlinear fashion b
following sequence of thought.
It lets the reader control the level of details and the type of information
It allows a quick search according to the reader’s interest.
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