Products, Services or Ideas
Products, services or ideas are the things that advertisers want consumers to
1) Perhaps the value is Functional Car, Truck, etc….as per the function.
2) Perhaps the value is Social Social Status
3) Perhaps the value is Psychological Feel safer, or Sexier, or give them selfesteem
or Enjoyment.
4) Perhaps the value is Economic Cost
The above four values functional, social, psychological and economic.
There are three basic differentiations
1) Perceptible
These are those differences that actually
exists that make one product obviously
different from others of the same kind.
Color / Size
Brand Name
2) Imperceptible
These are those that actually exist
between one product and others, but are
not obvious.
Can’t have idea for the
difference by seeing the
product. – Computers from
different companies.
3) Induced
For many products, there is no actual
substantive difference between one and
For many brands
Of cigarettes bear,
cleansers & soap.
There is essentially no difference between one brand and another. These
products are called Parity Products.
Parity products have the greatest difficulty differentiating one from another.
Identified Sponsors
Identified sponsors mean whoever is putting out the ad. Tells the audience
who they are.
There are two reasons for this….
1) It is a legal requirement, and second, it makes good sense.
2) It makes good sense.
Various media
These include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards, transit
cards, sandwich boards, skywriting, and posters, anything that aids
communicating in non-personal way ideas from one person or group to
another person or group.
Pros and Cons of Advertising
• Flexibility allows you to focus on a small, precisely defined segment or mass
• Cost efficient – reach a large number at a low cost per person, allows the
message to be repeated, & can improve public image.
• Allows for repeating the message – lets the buyer receive & compare.
• Very expensive, allow for dramatization.
• Also used to build a long term image
• Trigger Quick sales, sears advertising a weekend sale.
• Absolute Rupees outlay very high.
• Rarely provides quick feedback, or necessarily any feedback.
• Less persuasive than personal selling.
• Audience does not have to pay attention.
• Indirect feedback – without interactivity.
Products, services or ideas are the things that advertisers want consumers to
1) Perhaps the value is Functional Car, Truck, etc….as per the function.
2) Perhaps the value is Social Social Status
3) Perhaps the value is Psychological Feel safer, or Sexier, or give them selfesteem
or Enjoyment.
4) Perhaps the value is Economic Cost
The above four values functional, social, psychological and economic.
There are three basic differentiations
1) Perceptible
These are those differences that actually
exists that make one product obviously
different from others of the same kind.
Color / Size
Brand Name
2) Imperceptible
These are those that actually exist
between one product and others, but are
not obvious.
Can’t have idea for the
difference by seeing the
product. – Computers from
different companies.
3) Induced
For many products, there is no actual
substantive difference between one and
For many brands
Of cigarettes bear,
cleansers & soap.
There is essentially no difference between one brand and another. These
products are called Parity Products.
Parity products have the greatest difficulty differentiating one from another.
Identified Sponsors
Identified sponsors mean whoever is putting out the ad. Tells the audience
who they are.
There are two reasons for this….
1) It is a legal requirement, and second, it makes good sense.
2) It makes good sense.
Various media
These include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards, transit
cards, sandwich boards, skywriting, and posters, anything that aids
communicating in non-personal way ideas from one person or group to
another person or group.
Pros and Cons of Advertising
• Flexibility allows you to focus on a small, precisely defined segment or mass
• Cost efficient – reach a large number at a low cost per person, allows the
message to be repeated, & can improve public image.
• Allows for repeating the message – lets the buyer receive & compare.
• Very expensive, allow for dramatization.
• Also used to build a long term image
• Trigger Quick sales, sears advertising a weekend sale.
• Absolute Rupees outlay very high.
• Rarely provides quick feedback, or necessarily any feedback.
• Less persuasive than personal selling.
• Audience does not have to pay attention.
• Indirect feedback – without interactivity.
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