Objectives of Advertising Management
1) Informative advertising aims To create awareness & knowledge of new products
or new features.
2) Persuasive adverting To create liking, preference, conviction and
purchase of product or service.
3) Reminder advertising aim To Stimulate repeat purchase of product & services.
4) Reinforcement advertising
To convince current purchases that they made the
right choice.
Distinct school of thoughts in deciding advertisement objectives
1) One school holds that advertising has to necessarily bring more sales and
therefore advertising objective should be certainly includes sales growth.
2) The second and diametrically opposite view is that advertising is essentially a
communication task and it should have only communication or goals intended
to shape the awareness and the attitude of consumers.
Useful models in setting advertising objectives
1) AIDA Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action
2) ART Awareness, Trial, Repeat
3) DAGMAR Defining Advertising Goals for measured Advertising Results
AIDA (awareness, interest, desire, action)
One of the most important of these is AIDA (awareness, interest, desire,
action), which suggests that when considering making purchases, human
thought processes go through four stages.
o How AIDA works :
• If the response is favorable and the advertisement is successful in
awakening interest, it then attempts to create in the consumer’s mind a
desire to purchase.
ART (awareness, trial, repeat), which focuses on encouraging repeat
DAGMAR - Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results
DAGMAR was put forward by Russel H. Colley in his book titled Defining
Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results
The major feature of DAGMAR is that it looked at advertising as performing a
communication task and not a sale task.
Decision areas in advertising
5M’s of advertising
a) M – Mission Deciding about the sales goals and advertising objectives.
b) M – Money Deciding on how much should a company spend on
c) M – Message Deciding on what message should be sent?
d) M – Media Deciding on what media should be used?
e) M – Measurement How should the results be evaluated?
Its goals and objectives of the advertisement which they are going to create.
The budget required for the advertisement is undoubtedly a major decision
Factor to be considered while deciding on advertising budget
There are five specific factors to consider when setting the advertising budget,
they are as follows:
a) Stage in the product
lift cycle
New products - Large advertising budges
Established brand - Lower advertising budgets
b) Market share and
consumer base
High Market Share – Low expenditures
c) Competition and
Large number of competitors - High Advertising Spending
d) Advertising frequency The Number of repetitions needed to put across the
brand’s message to consumers.
e) Product substitutability Brands in a commodity class such as cigarettes, beer, soft
drinks require heavy advertising to establish a differential
Models to set advertising budget
a) Vidale and Wolfe’s
This model called for a larger advertising budget, the
higher the sales response rate, the higher the sales decay
b) John Little model This method is an adaptive control method for setting the
advertising budget.
According to this, suppose the company has set
advertising – expenditure rate based on its most current
c) Competitive parity This method commonly resorted to for determining the
model advertising budget.
Firms follows this practice make their advertising budget
comparable tot hat of their competitors.
d) Affordability model This method as the name indicates rests on the principle
that a firm will allocate for advertising what ever it can
In this method advertising is viewed as a mere appendix
e) Fixed percentage of
turn over model
In this method advertising budget is set in terms of
specified percentage of sales.
f) The compromise
In actual practice, marketing executives usually blend
some well accepted methods & arrive at a compromise
It includes message generation, message evaluation and selection, message
execution and social responsibility review.
The message generation is nothing but the deciding the copy or the content of
the advertisement. The term copy includes every single feature that appears
in the body of the advertisement.
In present times copy is an all, covering all that appear in the advertisement –
the written matter, pictures, labels, logo and signs, developing the copy is a
creative process.
A copy platform is a precise statement of the advertisement story.
1) Informative advertising aims To create awareness & knowledge of new products
or new features.
2) Persuasive adverting To create liking, preference, conviction and
purchase of product or service.
3) Reminder advertising aim To Stimulate repeat purchase of product & services.
4) Reinforcement advertising
To convince current purchases that they made the
right choice.
Distinct school of thoughts in deciding advertisement objectives
1) One school holds that advertising has to necessarily bring more sales and
therefore advertising objective should be certainly includes sales growth.
2) The second and diametrically opposite view is that advertising is essentially a
communication task and it should have only communication or goals intended
to shape the awareness and the attitude of consumers.
Useful models in setting advertising objectives
1) AIDA Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action
2) ART Awareness, Trial, Repeat
3) DAGMAR Defining Advertising Goals for measured Advertising Results
AIDA (awareness, interest, desire, action)
One of the most important of these is AIDA (awareness, interest, desire,
action), which suggests that when considering making purchases, human
thought processes go through four stages.
o How AIDA works :
• If the response is favorable and the advertisement is successful in
awakening interest, it then attempts to create in the consumer’s mind a
desire to purchase.
ART (awareness, trial, repeat), which focuses on encouraging repeat
DAGMAR - Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results
DAGMAR was put forward by Russel H. Colley in his book titled Defining
Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results
The major feature of DAGMAR is that it looked at advertising as performing a
communication task and not a sale task.
Decision areas in advertising
5M’s of advertising
a) M – Mission Deciding about the sales goals and advertising objectives.
b) M – Money Deciding on how much should a company spend on
c) M – Message Deciding on what message should be sent?
d) M – Media Deciding on what media should be used?
e) M – Measurement How should the results be evaluated?
Its goals and objectives of the advertisement which they are going to create.
The budget required for the advertisement is undoubtedly a major decision
Factor to be considered while deciding on advertising budget
There are five specific factors to consider when setting the advertising budget,
they are as follows:
a) Stage in the product
lift cycle
New products - Large advertising budges
Established brand - Lower advertising budgets
b) Market share and
consumer base
High Market Share – Low expenditures
c) Competition and
Large number of competitors - High Advertising Spending
d) Advertising frequency The Number of repetitions needed to put across the
brand’s message to consumers.
e) Product substitutability Brands in a commodity class such as cigarettes, beer, soft
drinks require heavy advertising to establish a differential
Models to set advertising budget
a) Vidale and Wolfe’s
This model called for a larger advertising budget, the
higher the sales response rate, the higher the sales decay
b) John Little model This method is an adaptive control method for setting the
advertising budget.
According to this, suppose the company has set
advertising – expenditure rate based on its most current
c) Competitive parity This method commonly resorted to for determining the
model advertising budget.
Firms follows this practice make their advertising budget
comparable tot hat of their competitors.
d) Affordability model This method as the name indicates rests on the principle
that a firm will allocate for advertising what ever it can
In this method advertising is viewed as a mere appendix
e) Fixed percentage of
turn over model
In this method advertising budget is set in terms of
specified percentage of sales.
f) The compromise
In actual practice, marketing executives usually blend
some well accepted methods & arrive at a compromise
It includes message generation, message evaluation and selection, message
execution and social responsibility review.
The message generation is nothing but the deciding the copy or the content of
the advertisement. The term copy includes every single feature that appears
in the body of the advertisement.
In present times copy is an all, covering all that appear in the advertisement –
the written matter, pictures, labels, logo and signs, developing the copy is a
creative process.
A copy platform is a precise statement of the advertisement story.
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