Select the Measurement Technique
4 basic measurement techniques used in marketing research….
1) Questionnaires A formalized instrument for asking information directly from a
respondent concerning…
Behavior / Demographic characteristics / Level of knowledge
&/or attitudes / Feelings
2) Attitude Scales A formalized instrument for eliciting self reports of beliefs &
feeling concerning an object.
2A) Rating scales The object being rated at some point along a numerically valued
continuum or in one of a numerically ordered series of
2B) Composite scales A degree of belief concerning various attributes of the object.
2C) Perceptual maps Derive the components or characteristics an individual uses in
comparing similar objects & provide a score for each object on
each characteristic.
2D) Conjoint analysis Derives the value an individual assigns to various attributes of a
3) Observation The direct examination of behavior, the results of behavior or
physiological changes.
4) Projective Techniques and Depth Interviews
4A) Projective
Allow respondents to project or express their own feelings as a
characteristic of someone or something else.
4B) Depth Interviews Allow individuals to express themselves without any fear of
disapproval, dispute or advice from the interviewer.
Select the Sample
The major consideration in sampling …….
Select the Methods of Analysis
Evaluate the Ethics of the Research
It is essential that marketing researchers restrict their research activities to
practices that are ethically sound.
Estimate Time & Financial Requirements
Once the research design has been devised & checked for ethical soundness,
the researcher must estimate the resource requirements.
These requirement can be broken down into two broad categories …
1. Time
2. Financial
Time refers to the time needed to complete the project.
The financial requirement is the monetary representation of personnel time,
computer time & material requirements.
Estimates of financial requirements must include the direct & indirect man
power costs, materials, transportation, overhead & other costs.
1) Population Determines who / what objects can provide the required
2) Sampling frame Develop a list of population members.
3) Sampling unit Determines the basis for drawing the sample.
4) Sampling method Determines how the sample will be selected.
4A) Probability Members are selected by chance & there is a known chance of
each unit being selected.
4B) Non Probability Members are selected on the basis of convenience or judgment
or by some other means rather than chance.
5) Sample size Determine how many populating members are to be included.
6) Sample plan Develop a method for selecting and & contracting the sample
7) Execution Carryout the sampling plan.
Prepare the research Proposal
The research design process provides the researcher with a blue print or
guide, for conducting & controlling the research project.
This blue print is written in the form of a research proposal.
The basic elements of the research proposals…..
Potential Errors Affecting Research Designs
Sampling error is only one of eight types of potential errors that can influence
research results.
1) Executive
A brief statement of the major points from each of the other
2) Background A statement of the management problem & the factors that
influence it.
3) Objectives A description of the types of data the research project will
generate & how these data are relevant to the management
4) Research
A non technical description of the data collection method,
measurement instrument, sample & analytical techniques.
5) Time & Cost
An explanation of the time & costs required by the planned
methodology accompanied by a PERT chart.
6) Technical
Any statistical or detailed information in which only one or a few
of the potential readers may be interested.
4 basic measurement techniques used in marketing research….
1) Questionnaires A formalized instrument for asking information directly from a
respondent concerning…
Behavior / Demographic characteristics / Level of knowledge
&/or attitudes / Feelings
2) Attitude Scales A formalized instrument for eliciting self reports of beliefs &
feeling concerning an object.
2A) Rating scales The object being rated at some point along a numerically valued
continuum or in one of a numerically ordered series of
2B) Composite scales A degree of belief concerning various attributes of the object.
2C) Perceptual maps Derive the components or characteristics an individual uses in
comparing similar objects & provide a score for each object on
each characteristic.
2D) Conjoint analysis Derives the value an individual assigns to various attributes of a
3) Observation The direct examination of behavior, the results of behavior or
physiological changes.
4) Projective Techniques and Depth Interviews
4A) Projective
Allow respondents to project or express their own feelings as a
characteristic of someone or something else.
4B) Depth Interviews Allow individuals to express themselves without any fear of
disapproval, dispute or advice from the interviewer.
Select the Sample
The major consideration in sampling …….
Select the Methods of Analysis
Evaluate the Ethics of the Research
It is essential that marketing researchers restrict their research activities to
practices that are ethically sound.
Estimate Time & Financial Requirements
Once the research design has been devised & checked for ethical soundness,
the researcher must estimate the resource requirements.
These requirement can be broken down into two broad categories …
1. Time
2. Financial
Time refers to the time needed to complete the project.
The financial requirement is the monetary representation of personnel time,
computer time & material requirements.
Estimates of financial requirements must include the direct & indirect man
power costs, materials, transportation, overhead & other costs.
1) Population Determines who / what objects can provide the required
2) Sampling frame Develop a list of population members.
3) Sampling unit Determines the basis for drawing the sample.
4) Sampling method Determines how the sample will be selected.
4A) Probability Members are selected by chance & there is a known chance of
each unit being selected.
4B) Non Probability Members are selected on the basis of convenience or judgment
or by some other means rather than chance.
5) Sample size Determine how many populating members are to be included.
6) Sample plan Develop a method for selecting and & contracting the sample
7) Execution Carryout the sampling plan.
Prepare the research Proposal
The research design process provides the researcher with a blue print or
guide, for conducting & controlling the research project.
This blue print is written in the form of a research proposal.
The basic elements of the research proposals…..
Potential Errors Affecting Research Designs
Sampling error is only one of eight types of potential errors that can influence
research results.
1) Executive
A brief statement of the major points from each of the other
2) Background A statement of the management problem & the factors that
influence it.
3) Objectives A description of the types of data the research project will
generate & how these data are relevant to the management
4) Research
A non technical description of the data collection method,
measurement instrument, sample & analytical techniques.
5) Time & Cost
An explanation of the time & costs required by the planned
methodology accompanied by a PERT chart.
6) Technical
Any statistical or detailed information in which only one or a few
of the potential readers may be interested.
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