Advantages of MLM
Network marketing can be done successfully part time
No limit to the amount of money you can make
Builds your security in this business.
Low initial investment.
Highly flexible.
Tremendous growth opportunities
Retailing includes all activities involved in selling goods or services directly
to final consumer for personal, non business use.
Levels of service provided at the retail counters to the customers ;
1) Self Service Customers have to serve themselves. No assistance is
2) Self Selection Customers find their own goods, although they can ask for
3) Limited Service Customers need more information & assistance.
The store also offer services such as credit & merchandise
return privileges.
4) Full Service Sales people are ready to assist in every phase of the locate
compare selected process.
The high staffing cost, along wit the higher promotion of
specialty goods & slower moving items & the many services
result in high coat retailing.
Types of Retailers
1) Specialty
Narrow product line with deep assortment
A clothing store – single line store
A men’s clothing store – limited line store
A men’s custom shirt store – super specialty store
Athlete’s foot,
Tall Men
2) Department
Several product lines
Typically clothing, home furnishing & household
goods with each line operated as a separate
department managed by specialist buyers or
3) Super Market Relative large, low cost, low margin, high volume,
self service operation designed to serve total
needs for food, laundry & household products.
Food world,
4) Convenience
Relative small store located near residential area,
open for long hours, all over the week days.
5) Discount
Standard merchandise sold at lower prices with
lower margins & higher volumes.
Wal-mart, Kmart
Discount sporting goods stores, electronic stores &
book stores.
6) Off Price
Merchandise bought at less than regular wholesale
price sold at less than retail.
Often leftover goods, overruns & irregulars.
Factory outlets,
7) Superstore Quite bigger in nature covering about 35,000
square feet of selling space.
Total needs for routinely, purchased food &
nonfood items, plus services such as laundry, etc.
Big bazaar
8) Catalog
Broad selection of high markup, fast moving, brand
name goods at discount prices. Customer order
goods from a catalog, then pick these goods up at
merchandise are in the store.
Service Marketing
A service is any act or performance that one party can offer to another
that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of any
thing. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.
Features of services & their marketing implications
1) Intangibility The intangibility in assessing the quality of service.
The quality of being intangible and not perceptible by
2) Inseparability a) Inseparability of production & consumption.
b) Inseparability of the service from the person who
Possesses the skill & perform the service.
Services are produced & consumed simultaneously
at the same point of the time & location. The services are
inseparable from their providers.
3) Variability Three Reasons why services are highly variable.
a) The inseparability of the service from the provider
leads to some variability.
b) Services are highly people intensive.
c) The effect varies dependent on when & where the
service is provided.
4) Perish ability The persihability of the services is not a problem when
demand is steady. When demand fluctuates, service firms
have problems.
As a combined effect of Persihability factor & the
fluctuating nature of demand, Service marketing has to
face special problem in product planning, capacity
planning & scheduling and pricing.
5) Service is a performance While products are produced, services are performed.
6) Services do not involve any ownership transfer.
Categories of Service Mix
1) Pure tangible good The offering consists primarily of a tangible good.
Example: Soap, toothpaste, etc – No service.
2) Tangible good with
accompanying services
The offering consists of a tangible good accompanied by
one or more services.
3) Hybrid The offering consists of equal parts of goods & services.
Example: Restaurants.
4) Major service with
accompanying minor
goods & services
The offering consists of a major service along with
additional services or supporting goods.
Example: Airline passengers buy transpiration services
5) Pure service The offering consists primarily of a service.
Example: Psychotherapy, body massage.
Services vary as to whether they are equipment based or people based.
Some services require the client’s presence & some do not.
Service differs as to whether they meet a personal need or a business need.
Service providers differ in their objectives & ownership.
Network marketing can be done successfully part time
No limit to the amount of money you can make
Builds your security in this business.
Low initial investment.
Highly flexible.
Tremendous growth opportunities
Retailing includes all activities involved in selling goods or services directly
to final consumer for personal, non business use.
Levels of service provided at the retail counters to the customers ;
1) Self Service Customers have to serve themselves. No assistance is
2) Self Selection Customers find their own goods, although they can ask for
3) Limited Service Customers need more information & assistance.
The store also offer services such as credit & merchandise
return privileges.
4) Full Service Sales people are ready to assist in every phase of the locate
compare selected process.
The high staffing cost, along wit the higher promotion of
specialty goods & slower moving items & the many services
result in high coat retailing.
Types of Retailers
1) Specialty
Narrow product line with deep assortment
A clothing store – single line store
A men’s clothing store – limited line store
A men’s custom shirt store – super specialty store
Athlete’s foot,
Tall Men
2) Department
Several product lines
Typically clothing, home furnishing & household
goods with each line operated as a separate
department managed by specialist buyers or
3) Super Market Relative large, low cost, low margin, high volume,
self service operation designed to serve total
needs for food, laundry & household products.
Food world,
4) Convenience
Relative small store located near residential area,
open for long hours, all over the week days.
5) Discount
Standard merchandise sold at lower prices with
lower margins & higher volumes.
Wal-mart, Kmart
Discount sporting goods stores, electronic stores &
book stores.
6) Off Price
Merchandise bought at less than regular wholesale
price sold at less than retail.
Often leftover goods, overruns & irregulars.
Factory outlets,
7) Superstore Quite bigger in nature covering about 35,000
square feet of selling space.
Total needs for routinely, purchased food &
nonfood items, plus services such as laundry, etc.
Big bazaar
8) Catalog
Broad selection of high markup, fast moving, brand
name goods at discount prices. Customer order
goods from a catalog, then pick these goods up at
merchandise are in the store.
Service Marketing
A service is any act or performance that one party can offer to another
that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of any
thing. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.
Features of services & their marketing implications
1) Intangibility The intangibility in assessing the quality of service.
The quality of being intangible and not perceptible by
2) Inseparability a) Inseparability of production & consumption.
b) Inseparability of the service from the person who
Possesses the skill & perform the service.
Services are produced & consumed simultaneously
at the same point of the time & location. The services are
inseparable from their providers.
3) Variability Three Reasons why services are highly variable.
a) The inseparability of the service from the provider
leads to some variability.
b) Services are highly people intensive.
c) The effect varies dependent on when & where the
service is provided.
4) Perish ability The persihability of the services is not a problem when
demand is steady. When demand fluctuates, service firms
have problems.
As a combined effect of Persihability factor & the
fluctuating nature of demand, Service marketing has to
face special problem in product planning, capacity
planning & scheduling and pricing.
5) Service is a performance While products are produced, services are performed.
6) Services do not involve any ownership transfer.
Categories of Service Mix
1) Pure tangible good The offering consists primarily of a tangible good.
Example: Soap, toothpaste, etc – No service.
2) Tangible good with
accompanying services
The offering consists of a tangible good accompanied by
one or more services.
3) Hybrid The offering consists of equal parts of goods & services.
Example: Restaurants.
4) Major service with
accompanying minor
goods & services
The offering consists of a major service along with
additional services or supporting goods.
Example: Airline passengers buy transpiration services
5) Pure service The offering consists primarily of a service.
Example: Psychotherapy, body massage.
Services vary as to whether they are equipment based or people based.
Some services require the client’s presence & some do not.
Service differs as to whether they meet a personal need or a business need.
Service providers differ in their objectives & ownership.
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