GE (General Electric) Model
a) Industry attractiveness b) Company business strength
Industry attractiveness is the product of
several factors such as….
Industry Potential
Current size of the industry
The growth rate of the industry
The industry structure
The profitability of the particular industry
The company business strength is
depending on the several factors such as…
1) Current market share
2) Growth rate differentiation strength
3) Brand Image
4) Corporate image
• The matrix consists of 9 quadrants.
• Vertically each quadrant is marked as high, medium & low.
• Horizontally quadrants are marked as strong, medium & weak.
• Vertical axis represents the parameter market attractiveness.
• Horizontal axis represents firm’s business strength.
Task In formulating the marketing strategy
1) Selecting the target market Fundamental to marketing strategy
2) Positioning the offer Offers to the selected customer group
3) Assembling the marketing mix Deciding about the marketing mix
4P – Product, Price, Place, Promotion
The activity includes,
Brand wise mix decision,
Designing about the weight age for each
Marketing Strategy Implementation
According to Tomas Bonoma the skill sets required for the implementation of
strategy are….
1) Diagnostic Skills Diagnose if anything happens wrong.
2) Identification of
company levels
Implementation problems can occur in three levels
a) The marketing function
b) The marketing program
c) The marketing policy level
3) Implementation
Marketers need other skills to implement program
a) Allocating skills – Budgeting resources
b) Organizing skills – To develop an effective organization
c) Interaction skills – To motivate others to get things done.
4) Evaluation Skills Monitoring skills to track & evaluate marketing actions.
a) Industry attractiveness b) Company business strength
Industry attractiveness is the product of
several factors such as….
Industry Potential
Current size of the industry
The growth rate of the industry
The industry structure
The profitability of the particular industry
The company business strength is
depending on the several factors such as…
1) Current market share
2) Growth rate differentiation strength
3) Brand Image
4) Corporate image
• The matrix consists of 9 quadrants.
• Vertically each quadrant is marked as high, medium & low.
• Horizontally quadrants are marked as strong, medium & weak.
• Vertical axis represents the parameter market attractiveness.
• Horizontal axis represents firm’s business strength.
Task In formulating the marketing strategy
1) Selecting the target market Fundamental to marketing strategy
2) Positioning the offer Offers to the selected customer group
3) Assembling the marketing mix Deciding about the marketing mix
4P – Product, Price, Place, Promotion
The activity includes,
Brand wise mix decision,
Designing about the weight age for each
Marketing Strategy Implementation
According to Tomas Bonoma the skill sets required for the implementation of
strategy are….
1) Diagnostic Skills Diagnose if anything happens wrong.
2) Identification of
company levels
Implementation problems can occur in three levels
a) The marketing function
b) The marketing program
c) The marketing policy level
3) Implementation
Marketers need other skills to implement program
a) Allocating skills – Budgeting resources
b) Organizing skills – To develop an effective organization
c) Interaction skills – To motivate others to get things done.
4) Evaluation Skills Monitoring skills to track & evaluate marketing actions.
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