
Thursday, January 3, 2008

In modem times, the functions to be performed by a company secretary are very wide

The company secretary is required to perform such functions and duties which are specifically assigned to him. He is there to implement the decisions of

the Board and to execute the policy decisions. He has to act as a conduit pipe between the Board on the one hand and the staff, shareholders, customers

and the general public on the other. In this sense it has to act as an agent of the Board of Directors.

The position occupied by the company secretary in the administrative set-up of a company requires him to not only merely supervise the routine office

work, but being the chief executive of the company he has to act as a coordinator. He has to coordinate the activities of different departments. In case

there is some problem in implementing a policy decision, he must bring it before the Board for re-consideration and suitable modifications. In many

companies, either directly or through his assistants, he has to perform the function of maintaining good industrial relations and has to deal with trade

unions as well.

A company secretary has to be present at all meetings of the company, and of the Board. He is required to make proper minutes of the proceedings and

maintain a proper record for future reference. When he is required by the Board, he must send notices to members and others as required by law.

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